There seems to be much confusion about the proper way to care for and clean opals. Here is a simple guide that will let you preserve your beautiful opals and keep them looking their best.
To care for Opal correctly, two of the basic physical properties of this unique and beautiful gemstone must be understood.Precious Opal contains around 6%-10% water (sometimes higher). Opal has a hardness of 5.5 - 6.5 on the "Mohs" scale of hardness. First and foremost you must determine if your opal is a natural occurring solid, doublet or triplet. The care instructions for each differs significantly.
When purchasing Opal, buy quality -stones only from knowledgeable dealers or jewelers . It's important to find someone who understands Opal and can offer you the right care advice for a particular Opal. If you know precisely the type of Opal you have purchased, you will know how to care for it.
Can I put Opals in water?
Clean temperate water will in no way harm a solid Opal, in fact it is highly recommended “Solid” Precious Opal should be placed in a dish of clean room temperature water for at least 10 - 15 minutes, every 12 months or so. From personal experience (gained from over 27 years of cutting, collecting and handling opals) this allows the gemstone to absorb any moisture it may require therefore preventing any crazing or cracking caused by drying out. (Especially if the opal has been subjected to harsh or dry conditions).
Basic Care Practices
Always remove rings when "Washing Up". Even solid Opals can be adversely affected if subjected to sudden temperature changes. (Such as being placed in very hot water). If the stone is an opal doublet or triplet, it is unwise to place it in water (particularly hot water with detergent, as in washing up) for any length of time as it may affect the cement that is used to bond the stone segments together (Doublet - 2, Triplet - 3).
Do not wear OPAL when gardening.
Sand or soil is abrasive and will wear the polish off the stone over time. Also there is the chance, if you are doing any sort of work that could bring the stone in contact with hard surfaces, a flick of the wrist in the wrong direction could chip it.
How do oily substances affect an opal?
It is recommended you do not place Opal near oils or oily substances, however oily hand and face creams will usually not damage Opal. (Except that they may "build up" around a ring and make it look unsightly.)
How do I store Opals for long periods of time?
De-humidified atmospheres, (such as bank vaults and safety deposit boxes) are to be treated with caution when storing Opals for prolonged periods, as they can extract the water content from an Opal over time, which may cause the Opal to crack or craze. If Opal must be stored in these conditions, it is strongly advised to put them in a sealed plastic bag or container with a little water to prevent drying out.
Also it is advisable to check your Opal every 6 - 12 months to ensure it has not "dried out". Otherwise, it is generally safe to store them away, as long as the area is not overheated.
Displaying Opal
Don't store Opal for prolonged periods of time under hot lights, as this could crack the stones if the heat builds up and is magnified. (As in many showcases). If Opal is to be displayed under these conditions it is strongly advised to place the Opal in or near a source of moisture (i.e.; a bowl of clean water or wet sponge).
Cleaning Opal
nt) in lukewarm water using a cloth or soft brush. After cleaning, Opal should be rinsed in clean room temperature water.
By following these few simple rules on basic Opal care; your Opals will last forever as a source of enjoyment and natural beauty.
More to come.....
See some of my opals here Boulder Opals